So. I’ve had a few hobbyists out there request complete RTF kits. I’ve modeled this venture as “Professionally-Built DIY Drones”, and that’s what we love to do most: BUILD!
We would then have to carry additional stock in radios, receivers, and accessories, and offer them for sale in the “bundles”. We could always start with just one or two models, say, with the best discount radio out there, the FlySky FS-i6x, and several great receivers.
Is there interest out there? Or do most of you prefer to use your own radios, and purchase our builds.
Thanks for your thoughts!
Fred Colclough
RTF is good for some real beginners maybe… but buying a radio and a receiver that fits YOU as a pilot isn’t that hard. Building the DRONE from little pieces IS hard! Hats off to Fred and crew; they do a great job at keeping this hobby within a budget, and FUN & FAST!
Being a noob, I like the idea of RTF (ready to fly right?). BUT… I already chose my radio and goggles, so a BNF (bind and fly right? I’m getting better at the terms!) is fine for this noob. I think that is what you’ll find for a lot of people out there. The few that want an RTF, can email you (right?) and you can fix them up. I think that’s reasonable. Most of us just want the quad that we can BNF with.
Ray, you can buy it right here. Just go to “Shop”.
Fred t’s Ray contact me I’m ready to get the the Tyro 6154928314 or email me
I consider myself slightly above beginner, but I have a radio and goggles, so I would always prefer a BNF.
I’ll add in the biggest PRO of course, is for enthusiasts at all levels: Preferring not to deal at all with the logistics of the build from frame to props, as well as the fine-tuning of all aspects of flight. Many would simply prefer to pay a bit more and get it all professionally-built, configured, and fly-able to their individual specs. Literally IN FLIGHT OUT OF THE BOX. And truly CUSTOMIZED as well, for the type of flying you plan to do, including a range of pilot abilities.
It’s fun to see someone start with a Tyro, say, and improve flight skills (Can you say “simulators”?!) enough so that future builds can be more edgy and high-performance. The pilot can focus almost exclusively on flying. A lot like having your own pit crew who handle the machine, and you just fly!
Open to thoughts! Thanks.